Sacred Teachings

Amyra Mah Sacred Teachings

Unusual Wisdom

About Sacred Teachings

Most people find me after having gone through the rounds of conventional and alternative therapies, self-help/self-improvement/healing modalities, mainstream spirituality, holistic healing, etc – and they are still seeking something else.

Iteach unusual tools. Since 2005, I have developed and taught the my own sacred systems for self-transformation – by channeling rare teachings from Spirit and packaging them into clean, structured programmes that yield real, powerful results.

The individuals who end up taking my courses are usually drawn to the level of depth and connectedness behind my work, and they have a longing to go to the next level of their growth and expansion.

I offer a number of Sacred Teachings that truly open doors to one’s inner powers – powers you may not have known you possess.

Note: These are NOT the typical law-of-attraction practices, NLP, affirmations, positive-thinking and other ‘replacement’-type of modalities but go beyond the mental-psychological level into deeper realms.

To date, I have downloaded many bodies of wisdom from Spirit, all of which I continue to teach and use in my work (and my personal life). Many of my workshops are based on these channeled wisdom and knowledge. Since 2017, I have started downloading another realm of teachings, from my work as the channel for M Y R A S . An example of these teachings is my Real Aliveness course.

Sacred Teachings