1:1 Sessions + Packages

What’s On Offer

Sessions are conducted in-person or remotely.

How To Book A Session

Bookings are not automated. For me, every session with a client is a sacred exchange, including the process of booking itself.

Very often, the energy work is already started during the booking process. Once a session has been booked, I will begin to consciously send remote transmissions, leading up to the session.

Contact me to enquire about availability.  If it is a go-ahead, an invoice will be issued to you.  Once the payment has been made, the session will then be scheduled.

NOTE:  Prices are stated in US dollars.  For Kenyan residents, the exchange rate is maintained at US$-Ksh100.

sessions with amyra

Soul Alignment Session

Soul Alignment Session with Amyra Mah


Full private consultation and facilitations to realign with your soul. Gain insights into where you have given your power away, and be guided to reclaim your power so that positive shifts can take place both in your internal state and external circumstances.

How long is the session?
Session can go for as long as needed, at no extra charge. If you’re scheduling for a first-time session, please allocate at least two hours of your time.

What is involved?
These sessions are conducted drawing from cognitive-psychological tools, creative processes, shamanic journeying, movement medicine, breathwork, symbolism, psychospiritual alchemy, mystical practices, intuitive guidance, channeled healings/transmissions, and Celestial Soul Medicine.

Post-session support
Includes remote transmissions up to 30 days after the session to support you in your shifts and transformations. During this time, I am available to support you through WhatsApp or emails.

sessions with amyra

Power Blast

If you’re feeling stuck, unproductive, or lacking clarity to move forward, this session will give you a quick boost to your system.

A concentrated dose of high vibration energies will be sent to you remotely to break through existing blocks that hinder you from experiencing your highest desires and realign you with your personal power.

It clears the path before you so there is effortless flow and greater opportunities.  Includes consultation of your situation to ensure energies are directed to the most relevant areas.

How It Works

This service is available via remote call only, not in-person.

The session begins with a consultation on the three areas or situations in your life that you would like the Power Blast to target. During this time, the client usually gets increased clarity and insights.

The call is ended while the client sits comfortably to receive the Power Blast which I will then send remotely.

After 30 minutes, the call is resumed. We discuss the experience on both ends and I share any insights or messages received during the Power Blast.

If you’re feeling stuck, unproductive, or lacking clarity to move forward, this session will give you a quick boost to your system.

A concentrated dose of high vibration energies will be sent to you remotely to break through existing blocks that hinder you from experiencing your highest desires and realign you with your personal power.

It clears the path before you so there is effortless flow and greater opportunities.  Includes consultation of your situation to ensure energies are directed to the most relevant areas.

How It Works

This service is available via remote call only, not in-person.

The session begins with a consultation on the three areas or situations in your life that you would like the Power Blast to target. During this time, the client usually gets increased clarity and insights.

The call is ended while the client sits comfortably to receive the Power Blast which I will then send remotely.

After 30 minutes, the call is resumed. We discuss the experience on both ends and I share any insights or messages received during the Power Blast.

sessions with amyra

Power Blast

1:1 Sessions + Packages


sessions with amyra

Turnaround Package

Turnaround Package with Amyra Mah

4 X Private Sessions

The Turnaround Package is for you if you wish to improve a specific area or to transform a particular situation.  This package will lead you to increasing power, peace, excitement and knowingness of your divine self as you turn your life around.

This Package includes:

  • 4 X Private Sessions with Amyra – scheduled within a two-month period. Each session will go for as long as needed, at no extra charge.
  • Remote transmissions to support your shifts and transformations in between sessions.
  • Unlimited email support between sessions.
  • Follow-up WhatsApp/email support for up to three months after the package.

Your package can include any of Amyra’s workshops.  For example:

Session #1  Soul Alignment Session
Session #2  ‘Alchemy Of Heart’ Workshop
Session #3  Soul Alignment Session
Session #4  ‘Connecting With Spirit Guides’ Workshop

See here for a list of Amyra’s workshops. 

The actual content of your package will be determined through a combination of what you feel attracted to do and Amyra’s recommendations. 

sessions with amyra

Power Package

1:1 Sessions + Packages

4 X Private Sessions

This package is the quickest and most potent way to come into your power.

What the package includes:

This is for you if:

  • You feel helpless and tired of struggling against external forces (people, government, systems, etc.).
  • Your soul craves to rest back in a place of peace and calm.
  • You know that inside you there is power untapped.
  • You wish someone would show you how to harness your special powers.
  • You sometimes wonder where the magic has gone to.  Is this all there is to life?
  • You’ve tried ‘law of attraction’ but it feels like hard work and you still feel stuck.
  • You’re called to elevate to a higher place of personal power.

This package is the quickest and most potent way to come into your power.

What the package includes:

This is for you if:

  • You feel helpless and tired of struggling against external forces (people, government, systems, etc.).
  • Your soul craves to rest back in a place of peace and calm.
  • You know that inside you there is power untapped.
  • You wish someone would show you how to harness your special powers.
  • You sometimes wonder where the magic has gone to.  Is this all there is to life?
  • You’ve tried ‘law of attraction’ but it feels like hard work and you still feel stuck.
  • You’re called to elevate to a higher place of personal power.

sessions with amyra

Power Package

1:1 Sessions + Packages

4 X Private Sessions

sessions with amyra

Sublime Transformation Package

Sublime Transformation Package with Amyra Mah

10 X Private Sessions

The Sublime Transformation Package is a 3-month intensive package to transform every aspect of your life.  If you’re looking for a life overhaul or makeover, this package is for you.  Together, we will dive into the deeper levels of your being: the invisible realm of psyche, emotions and soul – to yield true and lasting changes.  You will be closely guided to:

  • Manipulate the template from which you create your reality.
  • Get clear about the nuances of your soul’s calling so that your vision is truly aligned.
  • Esoteric practices to tap into your own abilities for personal healing and transformation.
  • Eradicate conflicting motivations within you.
  • Embrace who you are deep down and cultivate self-love.
  • Utilise your body as a vehicle to transform negativity into power.
  • Heal emotional issues and ‘unfinished businesses’ that get in the way.
  • Retrieve misplaced power from people, places and memories.
  • Examine and overcome your core fear once and for all.

This Package includes:

  • 10 X Private Sessions with Amyra – scheduled over three months (roughly 3 sessions a month). 
    Each session goes for as long as needed, at no extra charge.
  • Remote transmissions to support your shifts and transformations in between sessions.
  • Email support between sessions.
  • Follow-up email support for up to three months after the package.

Your package can include any of Amyra’s workshops.  For example:

Session #1  Soul Alignment Session
Session #2  Soul Alignment Session
Session #3  ‘Magical Possibilities’ Workshop Day 1
Session #4  ‘Magical Possibilities’ Workshop Day 2
Session #5  Soul Alignment Session
Session #6  ‘Warrior Of Fire’ Workshop
Session #7  Soul Alignment Session
Session #8  ‘Awaken Your Sacred Womb’ Workshop
Session #9  ‘Activate Your Divine Masculine’ Workshop
Session #10  Soul Alignment Session

See here for a list of Amyra’s workshops. 

The actual content of your package will be determined through a combination of what you feel attracted to do and Amyra’s recommendations. 

specialist programmes

Working With Addictions

Addiction work with Deep Soulworker and Addiction Therapist Amyra Mah. In these packages, sessions are focused on intensive work going deep into your psyche, the emotional realm and soul connections for profound, lasting changes. Find out more about these exciting programmes by clicking below.

Healing the shamed self
Healing of shame package with Amyra Mah
Healing the shamed self
1:1 Sessions + Packages

6-Week Programme

Read More….

beyond addiction
Freeing from addiction programme with amyra mah
Rising From Depression
1:1 Sessions + Packages

Advanced Mentoring Programme

If you want to craft a path, both as a personal journey of evolution and to fulfil a sacred calling, Amyra can mentor you.

find yourself again with Amyra Mah

find yourself again

Invest In a Premium Package

A 6-Month High-Level Mentoring & Therapy Package with Amyra Mah. Request a PDF brochure and/or to schedule a discovery session today.

unusual wisdom by amyra mah