Magical Possibilities Book + Magical Possibilities Workbook + Guided Journey Audio

$ 57.00

Whole package of the Magical Possibilities range. Get 3 products at 17% discount.

Products Formats: PDF Files and MP3


Get the whole package of the Magical Possibilities range.

The book will give you all the secrets and the full formula for dissolving, while the workbook will help you through the steps in a systematic way.  The audio verbally guides you through the entire 1-4 steps to dissolve unwanted reality.

All three Magical Possibilities products at 17% discount.

Digital Book

The Magical Possibilities Workbook

Format: PDF file.


The Magical Possibilities Workbook

Format: PDF file.

Guided Audio Journey

A Guided Journey In The Art of Dissolving Unwanted Reality

Format: MP3 file.

Magical Possibilities Book + Magical Possibilities Workbook + Guided Journey Audio

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