Monthly Elevations

$ 55.00$ 350.00

June’s topic is Relationship With Self . (Group Elevation Call will be on 6/6.)

Amyra channels the highest energies to keep you elevated and elevating every month, ensuring you are consistently on an upward, forward trajectory all through 2024. Elevations are focused on a different area every month (see all topics below). Monthly package includes Zoom Group Session, healing audio MP3, PDF workbook, personalised healing container and exclusive community.

Enrolment closes on 1st June at 7pm EAT | 11am ET.

Please note, we will not be charging you automatically every month; instead, payments are processed monthly. For your convenience, we offer bulk options, at discounted rates, to streamline your transactions.


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Magical Possibilities: The Art Of Dissolving Unwanted Reality
Warrior Of Fire’ Workshops. 
[See Power Package.]

In A Nutshell


Monthly Elevations is a members-only package at a low cost – offered as a kind of ‘reward’ to those who have worked closely with me.  It is my way of saying, “Thank you,” and allows me to keep serving my precious soul tribe at the highest level.

With minimal efforts and low investment of your time and energy, you can ensure that you’re on an upward-moving trajectory all through 2024.  This is essentially a done-for-you package – with just enough of your participation for the work to stay on a conscious level for optimum assimilations – while you’re busy playing out your wonderful roles and sprinkling your soul magic out there!

If you’re doing any other healing or therapy work, this work will enhance it as we will be clearing a lot of dense material.  It will also bring an added dimension of the divine, thus elevating your other work to a soul level.

amyra mah unusual wisdom
In A Nutshell


Monthly Elevations is a members-only package at a low cost – offered as a kind of ‘reward’ to those who have worked closely with me.  It is my way of saying, “Thank you,” and allows me to keep serving my precious soul tribe at the highest level.

With minimal efforts and low investment of your time and energy, you can ensure that you’re on an upward-moving trajectory all through 2024.  This is essentially a done-for-you package – with just enough of your participation for the work to stay on a conscious level for optimum assimilations – while you’re busy playing out your wonderful roles and sprinkling your soul magic out there!

If you’re doing any other healing or therapy work, this work will enhance it as we will be clearing a lot of dense material.  It will also bring an added dimension of the divine, thus elevating your other work to a soul level.

amyra mah unusual wisdom

An Offerring From Spirit


Do you want a solid yet easy and affordable way to ensure you are optimally elevated from now until the end of 2024?

In my work as a deep soulworker and channel for high-level conscious energies, there is so much that is wanting to be downloaded into me all the time.  Monthly Elevations is a way for me to channel and dispense the latest energies and knowledge that Spirit wants me to bring in to share with the world. 

Those who work closely with me know that I am dedicated to constantly elevate myself… and as I elevate, I bring my people up with me.  Monthly Elevations allows me to do this more deliberately and systematically.

Every month, you will have access to a virtual session jam-packed with energy work – clearings, activations, transmissions – with a specific focus (see monthly topics below).

Along with the virtual sessions are metaphysical tools specially-created to enhance this work: healing audios, workbooks, and a spiritual tool called The Elixir II.

I know that some of you are constantly looking for more Unusual Wisdom tools, to add to your arsenal of potent mystical tools in your ongoing magical passage.  Monthly Elevations is created with you in mind. 

You will be the first to test out new, increasingly-powerful processes, techniques, teachings, methods and offerings as and when they are being downloaded to me. 

I also know that because our work is so unique, so different from what most people understand about spirituality, it can sometimes feel a bit lonely and isolated without anyone to talk to about your journey.  I have added a community component in the package to give you an avenue to make friends within our soul tribe, should you wish.


In my work as a deep soulworker and channel for high-level conscious energies, there is so much that is wanting to be downloaded into me all the time.  Monthly Elevations is a way for me to channel and dispense the latest energies and knowledge that Spirit wants me to bring in to share with the world. 

Those who work closely with me know that I am dedicated to constantly elevate myself… and as I elevate, I bring my people up with me.  Monthly Elevations allows me to do this more deliberately and systematically.

Every month, you will have access to a virtual session jam-packed with energy work – clearings, activations, transmissions – with a specific focus (see monthly topics below).

Along with the virtual sessions are metaphysical tools specially-created to enhance this work: healing audios, workbooks, and a spiritual tool called The Elixir II.

I know that some of you are constantly looking for more Unusual Wisdom tools, to add to your arsenal of potent mystical tools in your ongoing magical passage.  Monthly Elevations is created with you in mind. 

You will be the first to test out new, increasingly-powerful processes, techniques, teachings, methods and offerings as and when they are being downloaded to me. 

I also know that because our work is so unique, so different from what most people understand about spirituality, it can sometimes feel a bit lonely and isolated without anyone to talk to about your journey.  I have added a community component in the package to give you an avenue to make friends within our soul tribe, should you wish.

Monthly Elevations is open to those who have done these courses with me…


Who Is It For?

Monthly Elevations
can be an ongoing support for those who have done these courses. 

If you’re already working with me 1:1, Monthly Elevations will amplify the work and speed things up.

One of the benefits you will gain is access to a small-group soul tribe community.  Over the years, I have discovered that since my “unusual wisdom” work is so different from most other spiritual teachings, my clients can often feel alone and isolated in their journey.  Most people on a spiritual path have very different viewpoints and understandings than what we know; this can make us feel a little disconnected from the rest of the world.  If this is you, there is an opportunity here to connect with one another, share personal stories and gain mutual support within this platform. 


Invaluable Support To Stay Elevated

Know Your Divine Powers

What Exactly Is It?

Monthly Elevations are virtual sessions plus accompanying services and tools specially-created to work alongside them.  All as a package at an affordable price.  Every month, we focus on a specific area (see below for all topics).

Regardless of the area, it is aimed at shifting humanity from being trapped in a state of powerlessness to being divinely powerful again.  At this time, I am called to focus my work on facilitating this shift in a real way, to move people forward in fully knowing our divine powers. 

During the Elevation Sessions, I will channel the highest energies to clear out the deepest blocks, align you with the highest trajectory, and activate your full potential as a divine being.

what the package contains

Every Month, You Will Gain Access to:

  • 90-Min Live Zoom Group Session (see the corresponding topics below).  Sessions are jam-packed with clearings, activations and transmissions channeled to yield the highest elevations.

  • Healing Audio MP3.  Healing frequencies channeled every month that you can listen to anytime to amplify your healing (See more about Celestial Soul Medicine).  Check out the exciting new audio titles lined up for the year under ‘Monthly Topics’ below.

  • A Multi-Dimensional Workbook (new workbook uploaded every month) to support your self-growth processes.  These workbooks, created specifically for each month’s topic, are known to reveal deep insights on a cognitive level and create actual shifts at the same time.

  • The Elixir II.  We now have the upgraded version for 2024!  The Elixir II is your metaphysical doorway to a personalised connection with divine source, to keep you aligned with the highest shifts and healings during the month. It is represented by a digital graphic which you can either use on your screen or print out.  It’s purpose is to support you in staying connected to the work; it has an intelligence built-in that knows all the details of your path and stories, and dispenses healings accordingly.  Full instructions will be given as soon as you sign up.  Unlike remote transmissions which is ‘done-for-you’ where you can just sit back and receive, The Elixir II is designed to allow for more interactivity.  You can work with it more actively, an enormously useful tool to satisfy the part of you that likes to be a bit more proactive.  The Elixir II is created for you when you sign up and remains activated for the duration of your membership.  It will automatically be dissolved when membership expires.

  • Soul-Tribe Community Support.  Share experiences with other soul-based members from our lovely small-group tribe and celebrate with one another, should you wish.


Free access and participation in the Power Series classes that coincide with the months enrolled.

Over the years, I have discovered that since my “unusual wisdom” work is so different from most other spiritual teachings, my clients can often feel alone and isolated in their journey.  Most people on a spiritual path have very different viewpoints and understandings than what we know; this can make us feel a little disconnected from the rest of the world.  If this is you, there is an opportunity here to connect with one another, share personal stories and gain mutual support within this platform. 

Group Elevation Sessions & Topics

You don’t have to appear on camera during the sessions, should you wish to be invisible.

Replays are available if you’re unable to attend the sessions live.

*Timezones Guide:
EAT East African Time
ET Eastern Time
CT Central Time
PT Pacific Time

Monthly Topics


“Pain-Free, So So Well” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on February 2, 2024 (2-2) | 16:30 EAT |  8:30 ET | 7:30 CT | 5:30 PT


“Money Boost” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on March 3, 2024 (3-3) |  16:30 EAT |  8:30 ET | 7:30 CT | 5:30 PT


“Standing Up For Myself” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on April 4, 2024 (4-4) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“From Procrastination To Flow” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on May 5, 2024 (5-5) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“Moving On From Guilt and Shame” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on June 6, 2024 (6-6) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“Retribution Is Mine” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on July 7, 2024 (7-7) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“No More Self-Sabotage” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on August 8, 2024 (8-8) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“My Beautiful Life” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on September 9, 2024 (9-9) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“Calling In Aligned Souls” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on October 10, 2024 (10-10) | 16:00 EAT |  9:00 ET | 8:00 CT | 6:00 PT


“Showers Of Blessings” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on November 11, 2024 (11-11) | 16:30 EAT |  8:30 ET | 7:30 CT | 5:30 PT


“I Am The All, The All Is Me” Healing Audio MP3.

Group Call on December 12, 2024 (12-12) | 16:30 EAT |  8:30 ET | 7:30CT | 5:30 PT



Amyra’s Elevations take me to a place beyond the mind and into direct experience of magic. Through her channeling and activations I find myself shifted into the space of all possibilty, expansion and ultimate awareness. I feel deep connection with my soul and my guides. Specifcally with the Next Level Health Elevation I am reminded that everything is malleable and that my body is part of me, not separate. It is one of my spirit guides and I am again shifted into a new relationship with all levels of my being. I feel more awake to the spell and hypnosis of powerlessness and moved into the realm of how powerful I truly am. This is where true divine healing can take place. So grateful to Amyra for all her unusual wisdom and magic.

T. M.

I am applying the session we did to elevate [Next-Level Health] and i am healing myself, so much love for my body. After your session I took myself on a healing journey. Very powerful. All the belief systems gone. It works! It’s so beautiful to0… I feel very connected to my body now and I love my body so much. Something shifted.

M. A.

The health elevation helped me address the addiction energy in my life. It’s supported me in feeling more comfortable in my body and feeling whole. I also noticed I was getting better results from my workouts and seeing more muscle tone.

M. K.

Dear Amyra, first thank you for doing these monthly elevation sessions as I feel they help keep the awareness and focus on our personal development and expansion and deepen the understanding of the related topic you tap in every month.

Regarding this month’s “next level health” in particular when I signed up I was really struggling with back pain, an issue I have been dealing with for 3 years now. Now I can see the wisdom it is bringing to me, not only the pain.

While you were holding space, I felt a desire to be with my body and the ability to go in without fear – and the realization that it is my own essence that is my healer and I give permission to be healed. I allowed myself to be healed, to feel safe in the body, soften and slow down. It is ok to be well.

The day after the pain is gone and has not come back. I keep focusing on allowing the healing to open to be healed.

M. A.


The connections elevation has catapulted me into new territory! I feel all my relationships are deeper and richer than I ever have been. It seems my energy is a high value currency, and everyone wants to be around me people have been giving me gifts and insist on paying for things and just really enjoying my company.

I feel it’s easier to connect with strangers as well. My short interactions throughout the day are fun and uplifting. I feel in love with life!!

M. K.

The connections elevation has catapulted me into new territory! I feel all my relationships are deeper and richer than I ever have been. It seems my energy is a high value currency, and everyone wants to be around me people have been giving me gifts and insist on paying for things and just really enjoying my company.

I feel it’s easier to connect with strangers as well. My short interactions throughout the day are fun and uplifting. I feel in love with life!!

M. K.

I had a receding gums issue, since being pregnant with both my children, it had gotten significantly worse with my second born. My husband was pushing me to see a dentist, but I was reluctant as I thought it would be painful and I didn’t believe they would help, however One morning I woke up with my gums feeling raw and I got a bit worried that that they were deteriorating further- but to my surprise the gum had repaired itself and after 2 nights of a throbbing and a tightening pain, I saw that the gum had risen to cover the tooth perfectly! This magically happened after listening to the Healing Audio a few times and receiving Amyra’s Monthly Elevations healing! I was not expecting to be healed in this way, but I’m so happy. Thank you Amyra

P. V.

Hi – This is my testimonial for the Monthly Elevations with Amyra.

I was diagnosed in March 2022 with osteoarthritis which gave me pain in my right knee and hip and lower back. The pain had me limping and I was not  able to have full motion. The ability to get up and sit down on the floor was reduced and painful. Exercise of any form became an issue. I tried physio, hydropool exercises which helped for short periods of time, only for the pain to get worse. In the time I have joined the Monthly Elevations with Amyra, the pain has significantly improved. I have joined pilates classes as pain has now almost subsided. I am so delighted and wanted to share my experience with everyone.

There are a few other changes I have noticed:
My dark marks on my face which have caused me anguish have lightened.
My enthusiasm to work home and life all seem as if I have come out from a dark place and finally I see the light.

This is a place for magical possibilities 💫

A. K. S.

I really appreciated the wealth elevation, it definitely up leveled me in many ways. I felt so much abundance beyond financially.

I had an increased amount of self-love, appreciation, certainty and excitement. My relationships felt richer too.

I had financial opportunities appear from several new places, which I really needed as I was nearly out of money altogether. I was getting extremely anxious before these opportunities appeared. Although not all the money has actually arrived yet I feel 100% certain it will, and have no worries.

I can definitely feel things integrating still-weeks later.


This product is not intended to treat physical or mental illnesses or to replace professional health treatments.  It is offered as a form of complementary care to promote wellness for individuals of sound mind and health.  This being a non-linear service, results will vary in individuals and cannot be predicted; this is frequently received as positive and indicative of having the capacity to reach outside the possibilities of linear processes and results.   

Monthly Elevations

Additional information

Payment Plans

June – Nov(6 Months), June – Dec (7 Months), June Monthly Elevation